What Can I Earn with Bitcoin Loophole?
Bitcoin Loophole is just an advertisement. It is not a platform or a trading system. It just harvests your contact details and send them over to boiler room operatives who then try and get you to deposit money into their fake trading offshore account scams. Once you have deposited your money, you have lost that money forever. You may be able to get your bank to refund you, but the scammers have still made that money and will get to keep it.
How Much Can I Make a Week with Bitcoin Loophole?
Nothing. You cannot make any money from an advert. Bitcoin Loophole is just a website that attracts you into an idea that you will make money without any skill or experience. It plays on your confidence, which is why people refer to this type of confidence trick as a con, operated by conmen. There is no profit with Bitcoin Loophole, only loss.

Bitcoin Loophole fake trading app screens
How Much do I Need to know about Trading to use Bitcoin Loophole?
If you know anything about trading then you will never be caught out by something like Bitcoin Loophole. It is specifically designed to appeal only to people who do not understand money. For example, if I invented a computer programme that made money from the volatility of cryptocurrency, and then made the software available to the public, then money would become almost completely worthless. There would be no point in a shopkeeper selling me anything, as he could just use the same software as me and get his money for free too. This would mean that the retail industries would have no reason to continue and everyone would starve.
What Sort of Trading is Bitcoin Loophole?
Well Bitcoin Loophole isn't trading. It is an advertorial website, designed to get your contact details so that they can be passed on to various boiler room scammers. Once they have your number they will inundate you with calls until you agree to deposit money into their scheme whereupon it will be lost forever. Now although there is not actually any real trading, they do make use of a certain product that is occasionally favoured by experienced experienced professional traders, and that product is contracts for differences, or CFDs. CFDs are extremely high risk products that carry huge leveraging possibilities (the opportunity to gamble much more money than you actually have) and so become capable of losing all of your money and more with a single wager.

Does Bitcoin Loophole Actually Trade Bitcoins?
When you are using Bitcoin Loophole or any of the offshore, unregulated CFD brokers that they associate themselves with, no, you never buy or sell and Bitcoins. You could possibly make a contract for the future value of Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency, but with the volatility of that currency, they would be legitimately able to drop your contract as the currency swings way away from your contracted difference. Therefore, even if you were correct with your contracted difference amount, they could still get out of paying you your money and keep your stake.
How Much Work does Bitcoin Loophole require?
Well once you have been contacted by the boiler room scammers, they will instruct you to deposit money into an account, probably by cryptocurrency, and your money will disappear untraceably. If you want to get your money refunded by the bank it will take a bit of work but not that much. If you are asking how much work it takes to make money from Bitcoin Loophole, don't bother - it's a scam.

What do I Need to get Started with Bitcoin Loophole?
Well you need to be too lazy to read the small print, too uninformed to realise that what it promises is impossible, and wealthy enough to lose some money. These properties make you the perfect victim of the boiler room scam. Once they have your money then they will try and get more. Once they have as much as they can get they will disappear. When you realise that they have scammed you, it will be too late. That is the boiler room scam.
Is Bitcoin Loophole Legitimate?
No, it is a scam. It is the same scam as bitcoin prime, bitcoin code, bitcoin circuit, bitcoin lifestyle, bitcoin billionaire, bitcoin trader, bitcoin system and bitcoin rush, not to mention brexit millionaire and immediate edge.
Can I Lose Money with Bitcoin Loophole?
Yes, as a matter of fact, that is all you can do.
Does Bitcoin Loophole Really Trade Automatically?
Well, when you say automatically, you mean does it follow an algorithm. Well some MT4 and MT5 systems do follow algorithms and some people have found them to help, but you leaving your money in the hands of a simple pattern that will lose money sooner or later. Algorithms can only work under certain conditions and the market only holds true with those conditions once in a while. If you know what is influencing the market you will have more luck.
Who Else is Using Bitcoin Loophole?
No one is using Bitcoin Loophole, it is a scam. As for the celebrities that they associate themselves with in fake news articles, that is all just complete nonsense. They use the same article every time and just swap out the name. No successful celebrity would ever endorse a financial product as if it failed they would be inline for a court case.
Does Jeremy Clarkson use Bitcoin Loophole?
Jeremy Clarkson makes his money from authoring books and television appearances. He does not tend to advertise as he does not seem to agree with that kind of thing and he certainly doesn't go on This Morning and harp on about some new app that will save the world from poverty as long as they can afford to invest $250 USD.
Is Elon Musk Connected with Bitcoin Loophole?
No, Elon Musk is not associated with Bitcoin Loophole which doesn't actually trade BTC anyway. The concept of Bitcoin Loophole is to persuade people to get into trading that they do not understand and Elon Musk has no interest in people and their trading habits.
Is Bill Gates Connected with Bitcoin Loophole?
No Bill Gates is too busy to think about Bitcoin Loophole scammers and their unregulated, ridiculous trading scams. He is up to his neck in eugenics, viruses and Jeffrey Epstein disassociations that came to late to save hi marriage.
Does William Shatner use Bitcoin Loophole?
James T. Kirk has no connection with Bitcoin and has no need of more money anyway.
Does Charlie Sheen use Bitcoin Loophole?
Charlie Sheen uses everything else, but not this.
Do Ren and Stimpy use Bitcoin Loophole?
Not as far as we can deduce. Ren has certaihnly never used Bitcoin Loophole and Stimpy is sitting next to me.